Summer’s Morn

Morning sunlight dapples forest floor, At Escarpment’s foot, a sparkling Pacific dances in a southern breeze Eucalypt scents the air, Tumbling seaward the Creek burbles with pleasure Kookaburras laugh with joy Collared Doves coo, Magpies carol and Currawongs call, Backed by a Cicada choir God’s creation rejoices and sings unbounded praise for Summer’s morn.

The ‘Cloud’

I’m sitting on the patio of our house, a place I often use for reading the bible, to pray and to work. It is very quiet, the only sounds being those of the nearby creek running full after much rain, some chirping Rainbow Lorikeets and the whisper of a gentle breeze stirring the Gum trees … Continue reading The ‘Cloud’

He Is Risen!!

Went to church this day, day of all days. Moved again by the enormity of what Christ has done for us! Put against that reminded of the tawdriness, shallowness, triviality of our celebrity culture of small things. Driven to thanksgiving for the priceless gift from the God who flung the stars into space, the gift … Continue reading He Is Risen!!