Quantum Mission – An Interview

Recently a colleague in the United Kingdom contacted me because he had heard about my recently published book ‘Quantum Mission’. His name is Ben Taylor someone I have known for several years and worked with on a number of conferences and seminars in the UK. He oversees a disciple-making movement with the name of Mission … Continue reading Quantum Mission – An Interview

It’s the (Insert preference here) Season

It’s coming up that time of year again. But what time exactly? There are many ways people will answer this question (even if subconsciously) – ‘Holiday-mas, Party-mas, Goodtime-mas, Excess-mas, Family-mas, Spend-mas’ and of course the less preferred (but very real for some) ‘Stress-mas’. Which one (or ones) do we relate most to? These are increasingly … Continue reading It’s the (Insert preference here) Season