Will We Die Before We Wake?

                  'Now I lay me down to sleep,                                  I pray the Lord my Soul to keep,                               … Continue reading Will We Die Before We Wake?

The Atheist’s Bible Delight

                   ‘Blessed is the man . . . . . . . . . .                 whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.             … Continue reading The Atheist’s Bible Delight

Meditation on a Winter’s Afternoon

A wintery leaf-filtered sunlight dapples my study floor. Breeze-waved leaves outside synthesize Sun’s energy into life. Block that light and death moves in. ‘Light’ came into the world to overcome the ugly darkness, to give life, exquisite life of eternal span. But Man blocks the ‘Light’, the Enemy “Blinds the eyes of the unbeliever”. Imagine … Continue reading Meditation on a Winter’s Afternoon

What Shall I Paint Today?

A baby comes, hours new, a cause to meditate on purpose, meaning and mortality. What is this space between entrance on this mist-like, ephemeral stage (stage right) and our inevitable exit, also mist-like (stage left)? What is Time’s blank canvas given by God’s Grace, and what should we paint upon it? What is our part … Continue reading What Shall I Paint Today?

Mission Failure and God’s No

Prayer is, or should be, an everyday practice for Christians. It is our communication channel with God as well as being one of the essential disciplines for spiritual growth and health. The Bible exhorts us to pray “without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17), but that always raises the question of how does God answer prayer? One … Continue reading Mission Failure and God’s No

Prayer and the Dark Power

In his book ‘Mere Christianity’ the former atheist-turned-Christian C.S. Lewis writes: “One of the things that surprised me when I first read the New Testament seriously was that it talked about a Dark Power in the universe—a mighty evil spirit who was held to be the Power behind death, disease and sin...This universe is at … Continue reading Prayer and the Dark Power