Another Elephant – The ‘Success Illusion’

“Hear this Word, this lament I have concerning you. I hate! I despise your religious gatherings;     your church services are a stench to me. Even though you give money in the offering plate, or on-line,     I will not accept it. Though you give offerings for special causes and occasions,     I will have no regard for them. Away with the noise of your praise songs!     I will not listen to the music of your keyboards, drums and guitars.  But let justice roll on like a river,     righteousness like a never-failing stream!

The First Elephant – Cultural Intelligence – A Missional Necessity

The current missional mindset of most local churches, and particularly of those in leadership, continues to be controlled by the assumption, even if subconsciously, that the goal is to reach a still-Christianised society living on what might be termed a ‘cultural Earth,’ whereas the reality is that most of Western society has changed address to a distant ‘cultural Pluto’. The failure to realise and respond to this is a major factor in the missional malaise

Truth is Dead. And We Have Killed Him

‘The fount of beauty, peace, and love, from God’s heart flowing, The Shaper of a World for us. Life-giving, from Death arising, Tho rejected, despised, mocked. Beauty’s fragrance by Degradation consumed, Dystopia dawns, Hell’s Abyss Gapes Insane ‘truths’ abound, Yes. But, in Nietzschean parallel Truth is Dead, and We have Killed Him’.

Mission – Playing the Long Game

So how do we think about mission to our local community? Are we still we relying on ‘invitation to special church services’; one off ‘event evangelism’ activities (e.g., men’s breakfasts, women’s dinners etc); infrequent local doorknocking; strategies that have been very low fruit for a long time? Or is it time to establish ‘long game’ strategies,

Quantum Mission – The Book

                                  Something Completely Different for a Kaleidoscope World ‘If you do not change you can become extinct.’ Haw in 'Who moved my Cheese?' This book can be obtained in hardback, paperback, and e-book formats HERE and at most major online book retailers. *** Quantum Mission is the result of the author's Melancholy Conclusion that, … Continue reading Quantum Mission – The Book

Quantum Mission is Pagan Mission – and it Costs.

‘When you were pagans, somehow or other you were influenced and led astray to mute idols’ *** Western society is at an historical hinge point; that it is undergoing an unprecedented cultural shift of tectonic proportions; a society that is experiencing rapid and accelerating cultural change in which the only ‘certainty’ is ‘uncertainty’; one which … Continue reading Quantum Mission is Pagan Mission – and it Costs.

Quantum Mission – The Book

Unpalatable though it may be, and much as many seem to wish to ignore or deny it, the current local church paradigm in the West has not been for several decades, is not, nor can be made to be capable of achieving urgently needed trend-reversing missional goals

The Malaise is Spiritual

The values altruism, freedom of speech, personal liberty, wholesome education and equality can only be the product of a Christianized society which Australia no longer is. So, in order to bring about these values , requires the re-Christianization of society.

‘Love, the Vibe, She’ll Be Right and the Sound of Silence‘

                           ”This is not a gentle decline. It is a Bus hurtling over a cliff’. Greg Sheridan ****** It is of the essence of the Christian faith that Christians are essentially optimists even when as now, in human terms, there appears to be not much going on in the world to encourage optimism. However, a … Continue reading ‘Love, the Vibe, She’ll Be Right and the Sound of Silence‘

 A ‘Cultural Intelligence Deficit’- A Lesson From Africa

'The Church in the West is blinded to the fact they have trapped Christ in their own culture”’                                                                     Paul Vincent Donovan ****** The current missional mindset of local churches, particularly their leaderships, continues to be controlled by the assumption, even if subconsciously, that the goal is to reach a still Christianized society living on, what … Continue reading  A ‘Cultural Intelligence Deficit’- A Lesson From Africa